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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

What You Get:

FMM Training System ($1,197 Value)

The Ultimate Arrangement Course ($497 Value)

The High Impact Sound Design Course ($147 Value)

Pro Masterclasses Library ($497 Value)

Monthly Live Q&A with Keith ($1,197 Value)

Monthly Masterclasses ($1,197 Value)

Monthly Peer Feedback on your music

Access to FMM Coaches including Keith

Access to over 70 Affiliate Labels

Private Facebook Community

  • Today's payment
  • FMM Monthly Membership $69$69
  • Future payments
  • $69

All prices in USD

FMM has changed my life. I went from having finished 0 tracks just 7 months ago, to having my debut EP chart in the Top 10 on Beatport.

Douglas Young
(Las Von)

Being part of FMM has driven me forward and given me the confidence to move from small labels to the biggest labels in my genre.

Paul Lock
